Saturday, January 26, 2013

Something New Everyday

Every day it seems David is learning something new - over the past 2 weeks, he's learned how to reach out and grab a toy and bring it to his mouth, or up to his face for closer examination; he will turn his head as far left or right as it can go to check out someone talking behind him; he stands up - assisted - all the time and loves hanging out in his new jumper (see below); he reaches out to turn the pages of the book we're reading; he apparently is a lover of cards just like mommy and daddy (reacting to poor pick-ups & pulling cards out of your hand); and he laughs! 

This last feat is by far my favorite. David's always been a giggler, but now when he laughs, it's like he's cracking up, laughing all the way down through his belly and out his toes. And watching him laugh is pure bliss :)

Here are some snapshots from our adventures over the past 2 weeks:
First time in the jumper - thanks for letting me stretch my legs mom & dad!
Another sleepover with Laura & Cara

Some classic Seuss with Grandpa

Learning a new card game with Nana

Deciding to swipe a few cards ("discard these ones Nana!")

Daycare in the morning, 5 sec after daddy put him down, already playing!

More play time in the jumper

The boys in the basement
Looking SO big!
Out to lunch

Just being cute :) 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

3 Months!

David celebrated his 3 month birthday by going to school for his first full week! I haven't been able to snap any pics at daycare, since I'm too busy hugging and kissing him when I'm there to stop to take a picture :)  But I'll do my best this week to get at least a couple of him with his favorite teachers (Ms. Ivette and Ms. Tamika are the ones he flirts with the most :) ).  This week, David learned how to finger-paint! and is eating and sleeping great, so thankfully he appears to be adjusting really well.

David got to hang with mom-mom during an overnight visit as well.  Here are the 2 of them, watching some playoff football and getting ready for bed:

And we also got David's Passport!  We're taking a trip to the Bahamas at the end of February with work, and apparently even 3-month-old babies need passports!  So here he is, our little international business traveler:

At 3 months, David is quickly turning into a little boy (and feeling less and less like a little baby): he's always trying to sit-up when he's laying down, he much prefers to stand on your lap than sit (his legs are so strong!), during tummy time, he holds his neck up and looks all around the room and actually enjoys it (at least for a few minutes :)); he is still sleeping through the night, with bedtime somewhere between 10 and 11, and wake-up time somewhere around 6 or 7.  He's eating 5oz at each feeding (still about every 3 hours), and is trying to eat everything else he can put in his mouth, including both hands (at the same time), my hair, bibs, blankets, daddy's sweatshirt, you name it.  

He still loves 'talking' to us, especially during diaper changes and when we're singing; he's still a big flirt; he and Franklin have started taking more interest in each other, but no real interaction just yet.  And he seems to have a propensity for the piano - he coo's along and appears really interested whenever we have piano music playing.  I'm hoping that means maybe he got some of the McSorley musical talent (that skipped a generation :) )!

Overall, at 3 months, David is just the sweetest little boy - my 'laugh lines' are growing deeper everyday thanks to my inability to look at him without smiling ear to ear. 

And now, without further adieu, here are the winners from our 3 month photo shoot: 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wrapping up 2012 & Ringing in 2013

David wrapped up the end of 2012 with some more visits from friends, and a rockin' NYE celebration with the family.

Right before Christmas we finally got to visit with AJ (my Aunt Juanie, aka Aunt Loren)!! 

And my cousins Bob & Katrina and their kids Ryan and Brendan came for a visit as well. Katrina's got the magic touch (David passed out in her arms while we were chatting):

We said good-bye to the rest of his 3-month sized clothes, including this favorite tee from Aunt Lauren:

We got a little goofy killing time during some pump sessions :)

And David started moving around a ton during the night. Here are some shots of him making it about 90 degrees around. 
As you can see, he greets the morning by wiping the sleep from his eyes :) 

Mommy & Daddy got to have a date night as well! We went to dinner & then the DMB concert downtown while mom-mom and pop-pop were on baby & dog sitting duties. Here are a couple of shots from the concert, just for kicks.
Partying with a different Dave...

And David is still digging his playmat, although he may be getting too long for it!

His new favorite thing to do is sit-up in the Snug and enjoy the view (which just happens to be in the same line-of-sight as big-bro Franklin...)

So that's how we tied out our last few weeks of 2012 :)

To ring in the New Year, David unfortunately had to be in bed before the ball dropped, but here's one last shot before taking him up. David's last pic of 2012 :)

and here's Franklin celebrating the ball-drop with David (technically we think this counts as us all being together - that's David on the monitor..):

Can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!!! 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Christmas

David spent his first Christmas surrounded by lots of family and friends :) Christmas eve we had a great time at my Aunt Janice and Uncle Dominic's house. Here's a quick shot of David in his reindeer outfit before heading out:

Here's David with his cousin Paula:

and Liz (David was so excited to get home to wait for Santa, he decided to take a quick snooze...)

In our neighborhood, Santa comes by on a fire engine on Christmas eve (I don't know how he finds the time to do it before delivering all of those presents!). The lights flash and sirens whirl as Santa comes down the street; we watched with excitement when we heard him coming!

Finally it was Christmas morning, and mom-mom, pop-pop, Aunt Lauren and Uncle Sean came by for a yummy brunch. 

These 2 are naturals! Just a few more weeks til Baby Byrne arrives!

It was a busy day opening all of the gifts under the tree...

We got lots of new stories to read at bedtime! Speaking of bedtime, here's David and pop-pop stealing a quick nap :)

The McSorley fam got together for a fun pic on the steps:

And here's a shot of our own little family by the tree:

Love this close up:

& a final Christmas shot of David looking at all the lights on the tree... 

Later Christmas week, we got together with the Delaney side of the family at our big Christmas party. David got to meet his 2nd cousin Henry, who's 3 months older.

Love how they're checking each other out!
And he met some of his other cousins too. Here he is with Jeff, and Ray:

To round out the day we also got a visit from daddy's cousins Kevin and Sue! David was real comfy watching football on Kevin's lap :)

We had a wonderful week filled with lots of love and laughter, just like the holidays should be. Couldn't have asked for a better Christmas :)