Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Phillies Game and Catching up with Cole, Part 2!

David got to go to his first Phillies game on Tues April 9th, against his daddy's favorite team, the NY Mets. Even though it was a 'school night', David stayed out past his bedtime, and didn't give one hint of being tired until we got back to the car and started for home. There was SO much to see, so many lights, so many sounds and so many new people, and it was a gorgeous 70-degree night -- perfect baseball weather! Here are a few of our favorite shots - David spent most of the time just staring at everything and everyone!

The weekend before our big baseball outing, David got to hang out with his little (not for long...) cousin Cole while we went to our cousin Erin's wedding. Our sitter Gabby (one of the teachers from David's daycare) took these keepers while she was watching the boys - looks like they had a great time! Although Cole is clearly exacting revenge based on the look on his face in some of these... in a few more months they'll be pound-for-pound and ready to throw-down fair & square :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

6 months!

Well, it goes without saying - it's hard to believe our little guy is 6 months old. Here he is at our 6m checkup - David LOVES the crinkly paper on the table :)

In keeping with the doctor theme.. we went back again today to have another doc see him for this nagging cough & runny nose he's had since February (back on nebulizer... poor boy has my lungs/allergies!). Luckily David can't get enough of that paper!

Toga party :)
At 6 months old, David is 16lbs 11oz, 26.5" long. The doc said he can start eating some finger table foods - like rice puffs, or even a piece of pancake, to have him work on his pincer grasp. He's still thoroughly enjoying his cereal mixed with fruit or vegetables, gobbling down every last bite we put in front of him. 

He can sit up unsupported - but we still keep the boppy nearby just in case he tips accidentally :) Aunt Lauren and Uncle Sean got him this really cool ball that moves & taunts him to come and play - he loves it (so does Franklin...)!

He loves tummy time - he can spend all day down here now (so can I :))

His gums are really hard and white, but still no teeth have popped through.
And now that spring is here, David finally got to see (& attempt to eat) grass! Here he is on our first spring evening in our backyard:

Franklin, unprompted, joined the boys on the blanket :)
One of our favorite games is still peek-a-boo... it's kind of turned into a tent-game-slash-peek a boo now :)
David, the friendly ghost..
He's also repeating "da-da"... and I get a 'ma' every now and again too :)

And we finally got a chance to let our piggies out! Spring has finally sprung, so we got to spend some time out walking in the neighborhood with Franklin. Here are a few quick shots:
Too cool for school

And here is David's 6m photo shoot! He's very interested in his month-sticker these days (it lasts about 5 sec on his belly before he tries eating it...), and the photo sessions last about 2 mins tops since he gets antsy sitting still. Franklin on the other hand will still do anything for a piece of cheese, so at least we've got him trained :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

David's First Passover Seder

(3/23/13) David celebrated his first Passover Seder at Nana and Grandpa's house! Even though technically he is the youngest, Uncle Jason says David's got another 5yrs before he has to fulfill his duties reading the appropriate passages in the Haggadah :) 
Sporting his first Kippah with daddy & grandpa
Not his first manischewitz... :)
Looks like he's ready for Paris! Ha

David also finally got to meet (great) Uncle Michael! Here he is with Aunt Debi and Uncle Mike (and Truman...):

And one last shot of the weekend with Grandpa:

The following weekend, Nana & Grandpa came down to our house for a longer visit. Here's Nana reading a bedtime story:

And David and Grandpa chillin' on the couch :)

Mom-mom and Pop-pop came for a visit that Sunday (Easter! no visit from the Easter bunny this year.. maybe next :)), but I failed to get any pics with them :(  
After everyone left, David did what he's been doing best, hung out on his boppy. By Easter he was pretty much leaning all the way off of the boppy to sit-up. Here he is with one of his new favorite toys (that we got from our neighbors.. see more below):

And taking a quick snooze :) 

David was the lucky recipient of some donated toys from our neighbors, Allison, Bret, Jessa (2) and Mason (4) Lebed. Unfortunately they're moving this summer :( But they gave us a bunch of Mason & Jessa's old toys! David's got a bunch of new favorites - so we went over to say thanks & had a quick photo shoot :)
Hi Mason!

They all got the memo not to break into a full smile :)
Jessa gave David a cup of tea - how nice!
Thanks Jessa & Mason! Looking forward to visiting you in California :)