Thursday, March 28, 2013

Catching up with Cole

We had a great visit with David's little cousin Cole at Aunt Lauren's! David and Cole got dressed in matching outfits and had a grand old time hanging on the floor :)  Here are some of my favorite shots. We can't wait to watch the 2 of them grow up together :) 



Hi Cole!

David is now a champ at eating solid foods. Here he is gobbling up some sweet potatoes. He still loves holding the spoon himself, but he's getting a lot better at actually eating the food vs. just spitting it back out/playing with it with his hands :) And if he really likes what's on the menu (still just one serving of cereal at school and one fruit or veggie at night), he'll grow super impatient waiting for us to fill up the spoon for the next mouthful, and lean forward all the way in his chair with his mouth open reaching for the spoon.. super cute :)

David has taken to having giggle outbreaks every so often. Here's a video of him and daddy hanging out on the couch :)

And here are a few other shots just hanging around...
helping mommy with the wash
hanging with pops & big bro franklin

Franklin seems to be enjoying David's company more and more now too (versus just wanting to lick him!). He comes into the nursery every morning when he hears that David's awake, and sits next to us while David nurses, looking for him to say hi :) and just like Franklin puts his head on our laps to get a nice petting of the ears, he snuggles up with David in bed & on the couch now too. David loves watching Franklin, and talks and laughs at him all the time. They're going to be thick as thieves some day we just know :)

In other news, David is almost completely out of his 6m clothes - all the arms are about 2" too short! He's teething a lot, but we haven't seen a full tooth pop through yet... any day we're sure! And we're back to sleeping through the night! (his bout of bronchitis really threw us off our schedule for a few weeks)  And he rolled over from his back to his belly too! And is doing great at sitting up.. he still falls over, but does it so much more gracefully now and most of the time just rolls onto his stomach and hangs out, like he's ready to crawl away :)

David's also interacting more and more with his surroundings. He picks things up and knows what they are & what they're supposed to do now too (pacifier, squeaky toys, etc.). It's really amazing to see all the developmental changes every week.. he's developing quite a personality too - he's playful, goofy and inquisitive, and is just all around a fun-loving little guy. 

And finally, here he is doing my favorite new trick of peek-a-boo with a blanket (he pulls it down and peeks his head up just so his eyes peek out to look at you) :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

David and Alicia Sittin' in a Tree

After waiting 3 months, David and Alicia finally reunited on "Girls Night" (+ 1 boy :) ). All of my work girlfriends gathered at our house Mar 9, along with Amy A's 2m-old daughter Zoe, Erika's 1.5yr-old Claire, and of course Amy R's 5m-old Alicia. Alicia and David were holding hands a minute after sitting down next to each other. Got so many fun pics that I'll just let them do the talking :)
Alicia making the first move :)
First dinner date.. sweet potatoes and apples!

K-i-s-s-i-n-g :)


Erika, Claire, Amy, Alicia, me and David

To wrap up the weekend, we met up with Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Jason, and Aunt Bar & Uncle Ray at Harold's Deli in NJ. 
Decisions, decisions

Uncle Ray is so fun!
And finally, our 5m photo shoot!

At 5 months, David can finally get his feet all the way into his mouth!
He also eats rice cereal every day at daycare, and has a fruit or veggie at night (so far we've done peas, apples, sweet potatoes, bananas, and the favorite by far, peaches). After Alicia showed him how it's done, he now actually jumps in the jumper (laughing the whole time). And he is always on the lookout for his best friend Franklin, who he has full-on conversations with while he pets his ears. His sweet and funny personality keeps us smiling everyday :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Toes in the Sand

Well, David finally passed the test of all tests in mommy & daddy's book: he's a great traveler! We took our first plane ride together on 2/28 for our company's trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas. While we severely overpacked, bringing way more suitcases than we would ever have dreamt of bringing back in our pre-parent days, we sailed through check-in, security and boarding, and David was a super star. He has mastered the art of smiling any time someone looks in his direction and raises their voice to say hi, and gives a flirtatious giggle if it's from a pretty lady who also remarks on his cuteness :) 

After boarding, David decided to take a quick nap during take-off. 

Once we were airborne, he woke right up and stayed awake for the entire trip, once again, flirting with all of the girls around us. When we started our descent, David fell back asleep, and snoozed right through customs (he missed the Bahamian band welcoming us to the island, but we still got a picture from the passport line). And at the ripe age of 4.5months, David got his first passport stamp! (Beating mom to her first stamp by a solid 19yrs...).

And now the fun begins! David woke up right before we got to the hotel, and it was go-time.  Here's a photo montage of our trip :)

First time at the beach!

David loved looking down at his toes in the sand :)

Getting ready to hit the pool with mom:

Feels just like bath time!
Meeting up with daddy at the golf course:

a lovely afternoon siesta...

not sure that's a great teething toy...
we'll save this one for when he's a golf pro some day :)
Time to go see some fishies!

And our last night's dinner out with some friends. First time with chop sticks!

David didn't bother with the slots... not loud or bright enough for him to stay awake I guess :)

We can't wait for the warm weather to hit the East coast so we can let David's piggies be free again! 

Our flight back was just as smooth as the way down, except this time David slept the whole flight (yeah yeah, been there done that). We can't wait for our next trip with our awesome little traveler!