Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy birthday David!

Dear David,

Today you turned 1! You have brought us so much joy over the past year (+ 9 months for me - even in my belly you were a great baby :)), and someday we hope you look back at this website and feel all of the love that we felt when we took these hundreds of pictures chronicling your first 12 months of life. Every day, your daddy and I look at you in awe; we can't believe you're our kid; we can't believe how incredibly lucky we are to hang out with you every day; we can't believe how fast you have grown! and we are so happy that we get to be your mommy and daddy for the rest of your whole life :) 

In your first year, you got to make mom-mom, pop-pop, nana and grandpa grandparents for the very first time! And you were the first nephew aunt lauren, uncle sean and uncle DJ ever got to hold. Your diaper was the first diaper daddy or I ever changed. Your cries at night were the first cries daddy or I ever soothed with songs or 'going on parades'. Your first steps were the first first steps daddy or I ever witnessed. Your giggle and smile are the only giggle and smile that have ever made us so happy we cried. 

At least once a day for the past 365 days, your daddy and I tell each other "I love David SO much". We never knew this is what it would be like having a son. We never knew because there's never been a little boy quite like you ever before. We love you and we want to let you know that you are the best little guy in the whole wide world, and we can't wait to watch what the next 12 months bring.

Mom & Dad

And now, some pics from your first birthday weekend!
@ Costco, holding daddy's credit card for him
David's first time riding in a shopping cart - VERY fun!
Nana and Grandpa came to our house for the weekend! Nana is the BEST at reading story books and teaching lessons about all of the pictures!
Grandpa helping us out by getting David to nap :)
Franklin getting ready to party!
Cole and Pop-pop
The whole family watching the slideshow of your first year!

Family pic / cake smash!
The birthday boy, loving his first cake :)
Katherine asking for a bite :)
David & the girls 
Daddy and David checking out his 12m wall (he loved pointing out Franklin in every picture :))
Mommy & David
Going for the inauguration wagon ride with Cole

And last but not least, the final monthly shot with Franklin :)

Happy 1st Birthday buddy :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Walk this Way

Last weekend (Sat Sept 29) David walked on his own! Franklin was overnight at daycare so David had the living room all to himself. And not only did he walk (5-6 steps at a time!), but he stood right up unassisted in the middle of the floor too! Since he's been practicing for over a month now, we guess he is feeling pretty confident; he is quite speedy! 

The weekend before last, David got his 2nd haircut, and spent some time hanging out at mom-mom and pop-pop's house. He had missed his nap the day of the haircut, so was pretty zonked when we went in for his appt. This time, David just sat on my lap and watched daddy make funny faces while he calmly let Mr. Brian chop away. Good thing he doesn't seem to mind getting his hair cut... he's going to be needing one every 2 months or so it seems! 

Swimming lessons started back up, and we're loving that. Mostly he likes reaching for, then putting the rubber duckies in his mouth, and floating on his back with his head on Josh's shoulder. And of course staring at all of the other kids - particularly the older kids on the other end of the pool. He just looks at them in awe :) 

He's really into hugs (full-on, hands around the neck, head on shoulder). And he's sleeping great. He goes down awake and rolls around for a little while, looking up at the stars for a few mins before drifting off. He also loves pulling out books to read. He flips through his 2 big board books by himself pointing at each animal or item on every page. He's loving watermelon still, animal crackers are a new favorite, and yogurt melts are by far his favorite dessert. 

David also has a new daycare wife - her name is Gianna (gi-gi for short :)). His other buddy is Levi. The 3 of them turn 1 within a week of each other, so they're besties :) 

He's eating pretty much everything we put in front of him, as long as it's tasty! (has his mommy's tastebuds :)). He loves the grass and leaves, and still loves the outdoors. He even cries when he doesn't get to go on the buggy rides at daycare!

Here are some pics :) 

Before, during, and after his 2nd haircut:

Swimming lessons with daddy
Mr. Chill, out for a lovely fall morning walk
High-fives on the coolest chair we've ever encountered (mom-mom and pop-pop's kitchen/office chairs)!
Our little Buddha
Hangin' with his daycare wife, Gianna :) (she's a day older..)
Being a goof at dinner time :)

A new love... KIWI!