Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2 Months!

At a whopping 2 months old, David is cooing and clicking and giggling and smiling galore :) People tell us he seems like such a 'happy baby'... & we hope that's what all these giggles mean! We also think he's going to be a big talker, since he holds lengthy 'conversations' with us all the time (his favorite "word" is "hello!"). And he's a singer too - when you sing a song to him he can't help but coo and 'sing' along with you :) 

He loves doing FaceTime with Nana and Grandpa, loves the car (but not as much as Franklin - no one loves the car as much as that guy), loves to take your hand and shove it in his mouth, loves sticking out his tongue to see your reaction. He loves eating (still eats every 2-3hours during the day, and goes anywhere from 4-7hrs overnight; and he takes the bottle easily, as long it's nice and warm), loves bath time, and massage time (especially his back and legs!), and is becoming quite the little flirt. 

He's wearing lots of 6-month onesies now to fit his crazy long torso, and his belly is starting to catch up now too - everyday there's a new roll that pops up! 

Overall, I'd say his first 2 months have been pretty awesome. And of course his daddy & I think he's just the best :)

Here are some pics from our adventures over the past couple of weeks:

Napping with big bro Franklin

Ready for his first mini snow storm
Our snowy backyard

Another sleepover with Laura...

... and Cara!

Playing so hard he fell asleep

Outgrowing everything, including the bassinet!

Lots of laughs..

...and just a few pouty faces

Growing enthralled with his piggies..

...and me getting my piggies warmed by Mr. Franklin while David nurses.

He's enjoying all of his cool toys!

And we took a walk on the power line trail in Horsham for the first time too.

And last but not least, here are our attempts at his 2 month photos. Maybe by a year-old we'll have nailed this picture op!

David's 2 month stats from our 12/14 doctor's visit: 24" long, 13lbs 3oz
David got his first round of vaccinations and did great. He got a small fever and a little fussy in the afternoon but calmed right down after a small dose of tylenol and some love & hugs from mommy and mom-mom :)

1 comment:

  1. this is so sweet shanny, i can't wait to see him again soon!!
