Monday, June 10, 2013

8 months - Ain't no stopping us now!

David topped off his 8th month by learning how to crawl! 

We spent David's 8-month birthday in Boston celebrating the graduation of DR Uncle Jason from MIT (and planning some future college visits :)). But before we get to that, here's our official 8m photo shoot.

SO much harder to get pics with him on the move! 

Franklin, on the other hand, is happy to sit still... for a treat of course :) 
In addition to crawling - which I must say, he has become quite a pro at.. looks like he's been doing this for months! - David is still experimenting with different foods every week (squash = not so fun to eat, but lots of fun to squoosh!):

 And he likes to play ball with Franklin :)

Franklin is OBSESSED with stealing all of David's ball-toys... look at how he's eyeing it up :)
He is loving bath time, chewing away on his squirty toys, splashing and chatting it up. He also mimics lots of sounds he hears. Like the vacuum... he makes vroom vroom sounds as we run the vacuum around his room! Haha. And he seems to recognize certain songs from his toys too - he dances to the ABC's, and dances and claps to his new elmo doll we got from our neighbors (the very first time we played it, he was clapping away). At 8 months, David is still the happiest, awesomest little guy around. Still no teeth (even though we see definite signs of teething), but I'm ok staring at his toothy grin forever :)

Now, onto our Boston trip! David proved again that he is a great little traveler.  Here he is at takeoff from Philly, and then leaving Boston.. I think he's going to be a window-seat traveler :)

After doing some flirting with passengers before takeoff, David ate and fell asleep for the hour flight, then woke as we were landing (same for our return flight). Once we got to Boston, we had our first cab ride!

And later in the trip, our first T ride!

We got to spend some QT with Nana and Grandpa:

And last but not least, the reason for our trip, to celebrate Uncle Jason!!

Congrats Uncle Jason!!

As an extra treat, David, while hanging out at the back of the auditorium during the hooding ceremony, got to try on a campus police-woman's hat! 

He seemed to like this hat way more than Uncle Jason's tam :) But I still think there's a chance he'll follow in Jason's footsteps and get his PhD someday :) No pressure bud! Hehe. 

We also went to visit the Children's Museum. David loved hanging out in the baby room. Here he is on the waterbed... he wasn't too sure what to make of the floating sensation at first! 
so... I just lay here?
Aha, I get it, I can move around on this too!
Testing his balance some more on this spinning seat..
LOVING the mirrored wall... Hi-Five!
Who is that cutie in there??

We all joined in for a group shot :) 
Good times and a great place - can't wait to get back for another visit!

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