Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Toddler

David's been keeping us real busy these days, so here's a quick recap of the past 1.5months since his first birthday!

Separation anxiety - starting at his birthday party, up through last week, David had some major separation anxiety. Dad and I started taking our time during his daycare drop-off, making sure he was nice and settled (and distracted!) before we would head out. Not sure if that did the trick or our little guy just grew out of it, but now he's Mr. Independent. He'll still come over and check-in with us when he's playing, but he's too busy exploring and flirting to worry about clinging to mommy :) 

Talking! David seems like he learns a new word everyday. He picked up balloon and bubble pretty fast at his birthday party (his buddy Taishi got him fubbles - bubbles that don't spill; so every time we go in his playroom, within the first 5mins he's bringing the bubbles over to us to blow for him, and he can point to bubbles in books). He's been saying "dog" for a while now, but recently he is OBSESSED with dogs; dog is the first word he says in the morning, first thing he says when we get home after school, and the last word he says before bed. He loves spotting Franklin, but he loves just as much spotting dogs in all of his books. He gets SO excited when he knows the next page is the one with the dog on it. And we have a surprising number of books with dogs in them, so he can go all night pointing out dogs.  

More words: Cheese (just this week); mom-mom (more like ma-ma); yaya (tell him to go get yaya, his stuffed elephant, and he's all over it); he knows cookie monster but hasn't attempted to say it yet (but again, can go get him when prompted; same for Elmo); duck (sounds just like dog); ball (one of his first ones, and favorites); milk; more; moon (he points up to the sky while saying it! and points them out in books (but calls the sun the moon too so we're working on that one :))

Halloween: David was cookie monster for Halloween :) He was so excited about coming to our office to see all of the other kids in costume, that he forgot to nap! So he had to bail on the trick-or-treating to catch some zzz's, but had fun playing with all of the candy at our work party.

Belly, Ears, Nose and Mouth: David can point to all of his body parts - his favorite is belly, since he lifts up his shirt and waits for a belly tickle :)

David's favorite thing to do this past month, by far, is laugh. He mimics the laughter he hears in a room. Big chuckle throw your head back laughter? He's got that mastered (thanks Brea!). He loves following a conversation back and forth, and best of all, smiles and laughs whenever you give him a smile or a chuckle. He's got one of the most infectious laughs I've ever experienced :) 

Gianna: David and his daycare girlfriend, Gianna, who was born a day before him (and likely slept next to him in the nursery since they were delivered at the same hospital) have been getting pretty serious. They're both in the process of transitioning up to the pre-toddler room. We had a playdate at our house a few weeks ago, and the 2 lovebirds were so sweet playing together. 
This week, their teachers reported that Gianna kissed David, David hugged Gianna (two separate occasions, once when she got to school, and another when she fell and got a little booboo), and David rubbed Gianna's back to go to sleep (seriously - he patted & rubbed her back while she snuggled into her blanket, then she fell asleep!). We have another play date this weekend, so we're planning on discussing wedding plans then :)

So that's what our little toddler is up to these days. And here are some pics to round out the updates!

Hanging in his cozy corner at daycare

At Nana and Grandpa's 
Halloween... Cookie Monster!
First cookie :) 
Gold mine of Halloween candy!

First play date with Gigi

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