Friday, November 9, 2012

First Halloween and Hurricane!

David had 2 more firsts last week - a Hurricane & Halloween! Oh, and a growth spurt to get the week started. But we'll get to that :)

First, the hurricane. Sandy came through town Monday, October 29th. When the winds started to howl outside, the 4 of us decided to hunker down in the basement. Here's a pic of our set-up, while we still had the luxury of power - air mattress, check! TV, check! 

If it weren't for the creepy winds upstairs, it was like a fun basement camp out. But around 9:15 our power went out. The noises got creepier and downright scary. Luckily I had 3 weeks of experience feeding & changing diapers, so doing it by light of lantern actually wasn't too bad. Here are some pics I snapped of the little guy through the night & morning (there aren't any windows in our basement, so it stayed pretty dark through the day).

Luckily David seemed completely unfazed by the storm & power outage.
Since our office lost power too, the 3 of us spent the day Tuesday trying to stay warm! We went to the mall along with the rest of the folks without power, got some hot food, then came back and hung out with Franklin (who fared the worst during the storm - he groaned when the power flickered and went off (and when it came back & then went off again, another groan of frustration! ha) and he was on guard throughout the storm, patrolling upstairs and down, checking out all the noisy windows and doors. Poor guy!). 

Since the house was getting pretty chilly, and we weren't sure how long it would take for power to come back, David and I went over to mom-mom and pop-pop's house, while Josh stayed back to man the house & take care of Franklin. Mom-mom was SO excited about the surprise mid-week visit. Look at that face :) 

Our power came back on around 11pm Tuesday night. David and I made our way home Wednesday, where we got things back on track and prepared for Halloween!

Here's David's first Halloween outfit:

He doesn't really look all that psyched about it - which might be why he spit-up and peed on this one. So we went with our back-up outfit & bib:

But even this one didn't make it through the night of trick-or-treaters! Maybe he'll be more excited next year when he'll fit into a real costume :) 

Now back to the growth spurt that started on his 3-week birthday. Saturday the  27th seemed like a normal day... until David started crying for feedings every 30min! It was like his stomach had turned into a bottomless pit overnight. It lasted through Sunday around dinner time, when all of a sudden things turned back to normal. Here's a pic of our little guy (or big guy.. he's now in 3month clothes to fit his long legs!) celebrating football Sunday in an awesome onesie from Aunt Lauren :)

Oh, and we can't forget about bath time! David's cord fell off around 2.5 weeks, so now he gets a 'real' bath vs. just sponge baths. Turns out he loves the water (as long as we keep him nice & warm), and he and mommy do a little baby massage after the bath, which he also loves :) Here are a couple pics with mommy & daddy:

And last but not least, I love this pic and video of David and daddy hanging on the couch. David decided he doesn't need a thumb or pacifier - he's perfectly content suckling on daddy's nose :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my....this is just precious. I love the look of joy on Josh's face and that final content look on David's face. Glad to hear that you weathered the storm okay.
