Saturday, February 16, 2013

4 Months: Cousin Cole, Food & Feet!

What a month! So far, David got a new cousin, started eating solids, and figured out how to hold onto his feet. It seems like every week he's changing so drastically, that it's hard to document each milestone as they're flying by! But I'll do my best now :)

First things first, David helped welcome his first cousin, Cole James, into the world on Friday, Feb 1st. We hung out with the Byrne/Lambert family and mom-mom and pop-pop in the hospital waiting room for 12hrs, while Aunt Lauren labored away and Uncle Sean kept us posted via texts, and we finally found out we had another boy in the family at 5am Friday morning! 

David had an awesome time hanging out with everybody, and made lots of new friends... his favorite by far was Sean's sister, Renee.

David could not contain himself when she walked into the room - he started cooing and talking and laughing and flirting with her the minute he saw her pretty pink hat, and kept us all entertained for hours after with his silly flirty antics. We definitely have a ladies' man on our hands!

He also played with pop-pop and the soon-to-be Grandpa Lambert and Grandma Byrne:

And when he finally met Cole, he quickly established what we all anticipated these past 9 months... that David and Cole are going to have a fierce cousin-rivalry! The only time David fussed at all were the 2 times he was in the room with Cole! Ha. I'm sure they'll be best of friends in no time :)

When we got back from our exciting weekend with Cole, we had our 4-month checkup.
The morning of his 4m visit, he showed me and daddy a new trick - holding his feet!

David did great with all of his vaccinations (same reaction as 2 months - quick cry during the shots, and about 5hrs later, had to give some tylenol & walk up and down the stairs about 50 times(!) to ease his crying). He grew just over an inch and gained another 2 pounds, so is now 25.25" long, and 15.1lbs. We got the go-ahead to start solids, and because David spent the previous week waking during the night for an extra feeding, me and dad were pretty excited about getting him started!

Here's David trying out his high-chair, and Franklin assuming position!

We took some video of David's first time eating with the spoon, but we're having technical difficulties uploading it :( so we'll have to make due with some still shots :) From the first spoonful, David opened right up and reached out to grab your hand or the spoon to pull it towards his mouth. 

We started with some rice cereal (pic on left, dad's feeding him), and the 2nd week we moved on to peas, which he was much less excited about (pic on right). Next week we'll try out some apples - at the very least, we won't have his neck dyed green after eating :)

 And finally, here are some shots of David @ 4 months:

And here are some final shots from the past few weeks of just hanging around:
that's right, graduated to the stand-up, walking toy at daycare!
  Doing some irish jigging on mom-mom's lap:

more tummy time
franklin looks thrilled.. if he's not licking david, he's not happy :) 
lazy sunday nap on the couch :)

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